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This possibility of repairing cartilage damage through cartilage regrowth without repeated surgery is now a reality with the joint research of Dr Saw Khay Yong of Kuala Lumpur Sports Medicine Centre (KLSMC) and Dr Paisal Hussin of the Orthopaedic Department, University Putra Malaysia. The article goes on to highlight the benefits of stem cell therapy.


Repair of damaged cartilage using Stem-Cells

Have you ever considered that the cartilage damage in your knees could be cured through cartilage “regrowth” and without repeated surgery? This possibility is now a reality with the joint research of Dr Saw Khay Yong of Kuala Lumpur Sports Medicine Centre (KLSMC) and Dr Paisal Hussin of the Orthopaedic Department, University Putra Malaysia. The research, in collaboration with StemLife Therapeutics, began with animal-testing. It uses stem cells taken from the animal to cure their injured joints since 2 years ago. This research were successful. All proof of the cartilage regrowth was documented and treatment was started on around 50 patients.

Injury to the knee cartilage is quite common. Cartilage is the white thin and soft tissue that wraps the end of your bone joints. With its thick liquid and elastic qualities, it acts as a lubricating mechanism and helps smoothen the movements of your joints. It also acts as a shock absorber.

Nevertheless, injury and deterioration to the cartilage can happen due to ageing. There are also a variety of other factors that can cause cartilage deterioration. Cartilage deterioration in the knee is always associated with knee injury whether it is to the ligament or the meniscus.

This cartilage deterioration is not limited to the elderly. It also affects athletes and housewives. Between 25 to 30 percent of patients who undergo knee surgery will be afflicted with this condition. Usually this condition is difficult to treat and the results are often unsatisfactory. This is because the cartilage is located in an area that has no blood supply (vascular), thus it makes spontaneous growth process less likely to occur.

New discoveries in cartilage treatment provide better choices for the patient. It begins by taking stem cells from the patient’s body. The injured cartilage area is then drilled to produce bleeding in the bone area. This causes the blood to coagulate in that area.

A week later, a series of injections containing stem cells and acid is issued to stimulate the cartilage growth. Each patient requires five injections with each injection containing 2.5 mililitres of stem cells. These injections can be given in outpatient clinics.

Studies show that Dr Saw and Dr Paisal have succeeded in proving that cartilage can be grown again. The advantage is that it only involves one surgery, is cheaper and requires minimum invasive surgery. This treatment that uses stem cells to promote the growth of cartilage has the potential to cure many sports injuries, as well as cartilage deterioration due to ageing. This procedure provides a new alternative to total knee replacement surgery.

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